We left Pulpit Rock Campground at 9:23am on June 3, Acey’s mileage 62,700.3, Thor (the Jeep toad) 66,557 We stopped to fix lunch at a WalMart parking lot and arrived at Island View Campground around 2pm; Acey 62,908.2. We stayed there last August when we visited the Flamings, which was our purpose for stopping again! They had full hookups which made it very convenient – we did several loads of wash!

We rode our bikes almost every day on the 5+ mile trail that surrounds the lake and golf course. The campground is by the red marker.

We enjoyed many meals and fellowship with the Flamings while we were there and enjoyed our visit, but didn’t “document” much of our family time… We played Tri-ominos, Mexican Train and Ticket to Ride and talked a lot too!

We left Monday morning (June 8) to head into South Dakota.