We left Newport, Washington at 9:30 on Friday June 17 with Acey’s mileage at 86,186.6, Thor has 104,008 miles and we have put 2051.8 miles on our bikes! We have finished off all our fresh vegetables and meats and hope crossing the border is not going to be a problem. We used the ArriveCan App, giving information regarding our Covid vaccinations, passports, etc. We saw YouTube videos about other people’s experience crossing the border… We were back in Idaho again before 10am.

Some snow on the mountains and tall pines – another scenic drive!

We stopped at the Walmart and Home Hardware in Sandpoint, Idaho and topped off Acey’s tank at a 76 station in Bonner’s Ferry, Idaho just before we crossed the border.

There were just a few vehicles ahead of us at Customs.

The wait was not too long – the line moved fairly quickly.

By 1:00 we were thru customs and were welcomed to British Columbia.

Our first stay in Canada is at the Hay U Ranch RV Resort in Yahk, BC. We arrived around 1:30pm.

We got parked and set up at our site and made lunch. We will be here just 2 nights and have full hookups with 30-amp power.

We have a map of Canada to fill in! We added British Columbia to that map!

Afterwards, we drove 27 miles to Creston to get some groceries – WE were not supposed to bring fresh fruits or veggies over the border, even though the produce we bought all came from the US! It was a scenic drive – beautiful country here!

We got back to the RV park and had a meet up with the other folks that we will be travelling with. We have a group of 21 with 11 motorhomes and 1 travel trailer.
Saturday, we had an “inspection” to look for possible issues as we travel. Acey passed! Ryan, our wagon master, grilled some hamburgers for lunch.

and we had a restful day. The Moyie River runs right behind this park. It was mesmerizing watching the fast flow of water, which is hard to capture in a still shot!

Sunday morning, we zoomed with our Sunday School class and tuned into YouTube to worship with Stephens Valley Church, watching the service from May 29 – Pastor Jim preached on 2 Kings 1:1-18 Is There A God? King Ahab’s son, Ahaziah, was king now and had an accident and wondered if he would survive. Elijah intercepted the king’s messengers that were going to inquire about the king’s fate from a false god. Elijah basically told them that because of their unbelief in the true God, the king would indeed perish. An unbearable message from an unpopular messenger! But God’s message is the same today – Luke 13:1-5 “Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish”. We are thankful for salvation thru faith in our savior Jesus Christ.
We got packed up and moved on at 10:30 with Acey’s mileage at 86,301 and Thor’s 104,067. It was a nice day for travel and scenic! Just down the road, we were back in the Mountain Time Zone.

We stopped at Cranbrook to go to WalMart and Home Hardware for a few things and were back on the road by 1:30.

We stopped at a Rest Area to make lunch – with a view!

Back on the road again at 2:25.

Some hoodoos we saw along the way — reminded us of the rocks at Bryce Canyon

We arrived at Fairmont Hot Springs RV Resort at 3pm.

Our lovely site with full hookups has an awesome view!

We walked around the park and saw the hot springs from an overlook – the trail has been washed out, so we are not supposed to go down there 🙁

Quite a view from the RV park!

Monday, we had lunch out at the Horsethief Creek Pub in Radium Hot Springs, BC

There was a catholic church just down the street from the pub and we went to see part of the stations of the cross up on the hill behind the pub.

There were bighorn sheep nearby, so we couldn’t get too close without disturbing them!

Then our group went to soak in the Radium Hot Springs pool!

The pool is filled with water from a hot spring – as the name implies!

Not quite what we imagined, but it was a relaxing time!

On the hill above the pool, we saw some mountain goats!

On the way back to the RV park, the scenery was stunningly beautiful!

we stopped to look at the Columbia Wetlands – we saw more of them as we drove up to Fairmont Hot Springs and from the park yesterday as well.

During the summer of 1968, Linda’s family had a TravelMaster travel trailer and caravanned with a group of TravelMaster owners across Canada. Linda was 11 at the time, and has fond memories of traversing Canada, stopping at provincial capitals, going to a tractor pull, a rodeo and seeing Calgary, Lake Louise, Banff, the Columbian Ice Fields, lots of beautiful places! Here are a few photos from that summer trip so long ago – apparently, we have not yet scanned photos with people… These are some of the places we will be visiting – we are really looking forward to the coming adventures!!

This is the TravelMaster that we camped in. It was 34 feet long and had no slides.

Tomorrow morning, we move on to Alberta!
Gorgeous photographs!!!
Love reading your blog🥰
Thanks Adele – stay tuned – I think there are MANY more to come!
Beautiful pictures of the majestic Canadian Rockies!
BC and Alberta are my all-time favorites. I hope you see some bears in Jasper!
Thanks Randy – if we see bears, I hope they are not TOO close by… or we are in a vehicle…
What beautiful photos and great memories both past and present!
Beautiful pictures. Enjoy your trip.
Thanks Laura! We are having a great time!
Beautiful! Didn’t know you were going to include Canada in your trip!
Yep – gotta pass thru Canada to drive to Alaska! But we are taking time to “smell the roses” The Canadian Rockies are so amazing! God’s creation is really something – several hymns keep running thru my mind – “This is my Father’s World” and “How Great Thou Art”
Gorgeous photos Jim & Linda. Have fun on this part of your journey!
We are taking SO many phots It’s hard to narrow down what to post – so spectacular!
I agree with Adele’s assessment!
Linda, your family travel trailer reminds me of the movie, The Long, Long Trailer with Lucille Ball. Hope you are enjoying the cooler air–it is cooler there, right?? We have just hit 98. Thought you needed to know that 🙂 Love the pictures. Am like Marion, it’s the only way I will get to see it all. Thanks !! Be Safe.
Glad you are keeping up! Stay tuned – LOTS more to come!
Hi y’all,
Wow, the scenery is so gorgeous. You are blessed to be traveling through such magnificent country. Looking forward to hearing more about the group. Curious to see so many big trucks at the border. My hunch; they were headed to Calgary.
We are taking WAY too many photos! But I am trying to keep up… God’s creation is spectacular!
You are seeing a lot of spectacular scenery!!! I hope Beth and I can visit that part of Canada someday.
Looking forward to your next blog. Stay safe.