We left Chehalis at 9:30 on Thursday, July 23 – Acey’s mileage 65,039 and Thor 69,353 We put 715 miles on Thor during our 10 day stay there – driving to Mount Rainier, finding bike trails to ride on, out to Mount St Helen and more! The Jeep will not be going far at this stop since we are spending time with Ted and Nancy and enjoying time at the beach!

We arrived at Andersen’s RV park just after 1PM. They really have the RVs packed in here tightly! Very little space between the rigs. The place is level, clean and well kept. Plus, we have full hook ups!

You can walk over the dunes and to the beach from the park.

After we made lunch, we headed over to the beach house. Nancy’s family bought this cottage in 1956 and have enjoyed many stays there over the years. It is named JANBAR – her parents were Janet and Bartlett. At that time, it was a short walk to the beach. Apparently more and more silt and sand has accumulated and now it nearly a mile to the beach!

Riley also came along with Ted and Nancy to spend the weekend at JANBAR.

We went for a bike ride on the Discovery Trail. It is a very well kept paved trail that winds a little over 8 miles along the beach. Neither flat nor straight, it is a great place to ride through the dunes and the sea grass!

Is Long Beach really the world’s longest beach? It IS really long!!

There are many benches along the trail as memorials – this one expresses William Clark’s excitement of finally finding the ocean after journeying so far!

There was a bald eagle perched on a post as we rode by!

We came across a statue of William Clark standing over a rather large sturgeon.

The trail ends in Long Beach with a bronze replica of the tree that Clark carved an inscription into over two hundred years ago.

After our ride, we relaxed for a bit and had a front yard visitor – perhaps it was wondering where Jim was?

Friday we rode our licycles from the Beach House up to the RV park. We rode on the Discovery Trail to the end, past the replica tree, thru the Breakers Resort. Then we had to ride on the narrow shoulder along the Pacific Highway for about 2 miles. That was a bit harrowing, especially when a FedEx truck didn’t even move over…

Ted & Nancy toured Acey, we made lunch and walked down a path and to the beach.

Lots of sandpipers played along the incoming waves.

Then we gathered up our courage and rode back to the Beach House. On the way, we made a detour and rewarded ourselves with a stop at a local craft brewery, North Jetty, not far from JANBAR.

Saturday Jim made blueberry pancakes for breakfast at JANBAR. We did some exploring on foot. We went to check out Beard’s Hollow!

A beautiful view from the look out. A nice cool day at the beach; wonderful weather here!

We drove down a ways, went down a path and got an up close look at the beach!

Beard’s Hollow has lots of big rocks on the shore.

A nearby trail had some interesting trees

We walked another trail to see the North Head Light House. Spectacular view of the shore.

From the lighthouse, you can see the north jetty and in the distance, you can just barely see the south jetty. The Columbia River empties into the ocean between the 2 jetties.

Unfortunately, Linda fell on the way up to that lighthouse. She twisted her left ankle, landed on her right knee and shoulder and both hands. Scratched and bent her glasses as well. Dang. However, it appears nothing is broken – so she is thankful for that! Here we are resting in front of the beach house after today’s adventures.

Sunday We Zoomed with our Sunday School class and worshiped virtually with Stephens Valley Church on YouTube. After lunch, we headed back to JANBAR and drove up to the marina at Ilwaco.

Some of the boats had fun names – Tartar Sauce, Fat Cat and Looney Tunas

…and Nauti-Lady

We drove on to see Waikiki Beach at Cape Disappointment

..and the Cape Disappointment lighthouse!

Monday we packed up and headed to Portland-Woodburn RV Park and we will spend a few more days with Ted & Nancy.
You are having a great adventure! Your photos & descriptions are fantastic!
Thanks Peggy! We loved our time in Washington, and will be in Oregon for a couple of weeks.
What a wonderful way to spend Retirement!! Y’all seem to be having an awesome adventure!! Hope your ankle is better. Love all the pics! Enjoy 😊🇺🇸❤️
Thanks Susan! For a couple of years we had been dreaming of travelling when Jim retired – it really is like a dream come true! My ankle is doing better every day and we hop to be riding and hiking again soon!
Glad there was no serious injury from your fall! (You’ve got to watch where your goin’ Linda)
It looks like you are having a great time. We are really enjoying following your travels.
Yeah- me too😊 it’s slowing me down a bit – but hoping to be hiking and biking again soon!