Return to Diamond Caverns – Park City, KY

We had an early start on Thursday, November 4, leaving Northern Kentucky RV Park at 8am (Eastern Time) and it was 31F BRRR! As we left, Acey’s mileage was 78,829.2 and Thor had 94,113. We did not ride our bikes at our stop in northern KY. It was a fairly short drive to Diamond Caverns RV Resort, but we could not check in until 11, so we stopped at a Rest Area for about 30 minutes, and arrived at 11 Central Time. We got set up and had lunch.

We stayed here in April for 2 weeks and visited Diamond Caverns, the Historic Rail Park and Train Museum (in Bowling Green), Bell’s Tavern ruins and Abraham Lincoln’s birthplace. We don’t plan on being so “touristy” this time, but you can check that blog to see what we did!

As of Nov 1, Linda is on Medicare. (Jim was enrolled in September) Since Jim retired last year, we had been using Liberty Healthshare for medical insurance and did not have dental coverage; so now we are both covered by Medicare and have dental coverage. Liberty was OK; but we are glad to have “real” insurance now.

After lunch, we drove into Nashville to have Linda’s tooth looked at. She had a crown fall off a couple of weeks ago and stopped in at Aspen Dental in Terre Haute to have it looked at – the dentist there glued it back in.

Our dentist thought it best to cap the tooth to protect the tooth and the root canal in it. So, Linda has a temporary cap now, which will be replaced when we go for dental cleanings on the 16th. On the 15th, we move closer to Nashville for doctor appointments and Thanksgiving with the family before we head south for the winter. While Linda was at the dentist, Jim went to storage to get the carpet cleaner and picked up some things that we had shipped to Chris. It’s well over an hour drive to Nashville, so we won’t make too many trips while we are staying here in Park City, KY.

Friday we walked around the campground after lunch, and didn’t do much else.

On Saturday, Jim cleaned the carpet and after lunch, we went to hike at Mammoth Cave National Park. We have toured the caves there several times over the years; when Linda was pregnant with Chris, Jim had to carry young Chuck through most of the cave – and we went again with the Barrs and years later in 2010 with Bill & Charlene when they visited in September and again with Rob, Ted & Nancy when they visited at Christmas. We had never hiked the many trails there, so that was our mission for the afternoon! It was a beautiful but cool day for hiking.

We hiked over to the Green River – steamboats used to run on the river, bringing tourists to see the cave.

This little girl used to live right up from the river – before Mammoth Cave became a National Park in 1941.

The Green River really was green!

The River Styx Spring is where groundwater flows out from Mammoth Cave.

The trails were nicely kept and we enjoyed wandering around the park.

We were attacked by a swarm of ladybugs at this scenic spot!

Sunday we went to Sunday School and worship at Stephens Valley Church – it’s nearly a 2 hour drive from Park City, but it was great to be there in person! Pastor JIm gave us a shout out, noting our return! You can see the service here. We went out for lunch with Chris, drove out to Dickson to get our mail, stopped by storage to return the carpet cleaner and headed back to Park City. After dinner we zoomed with the family.

On Monday, we went back to Mammoth Cave to hike again. We stopped to see the Historic Entrance to the cave.

We could feel a cool draft flowing from the cave.

There are many species of bats living in these caves. The Dixon Cave is closed to visitors – unless you are a bat!

It is supposed that the Dixon Cave (entrance shown below) used to connect to Mammoth Cave…

…and that a sink hole separates the 2 caves.

It was a beautiful day for a walk in the woods!

High above the Green River, we can see the fall colors have passed their peak.

If you can read the sign below – “The Green River is the central force in the creation of Mammoth Cave…tributary streams flow underground for miles, dissolving a maze of cave passages as they travel…”

The trees are so colorful!

Tuesday morning we drove into Nashville for Jim’s surgery to address the carpal tunnel in his left hand. Surgery was scheduled for 1pm, but they want us there at 11. Surgery was on time (maybe even a few minutes early!) and we headed out by 2pm. Jim is to wear the bandage until Friday – and keep it dry. Amazing – he says the tingling is gone!

Wednesday and Thursday we didn’t do much – went thru papers and etc. Jim is thankful he has very little pain; just took some regular Tylenol at bedtime. We drove back into Nashville for a physical therapy appointment on Friday, stopping by Jim’s former workplace and at Yazoo for some beer.

Saturday Jim made pecan pancakes for breakfast and we did some laundry. It was 40 when we got up this morning and it didn’t warm up much, but after lunch we walked a loop around the campground and went out to Walmart to find some bandaids for Jim’s hand. It looks to be healing well and he really has no pain. We are thankful!

The incision is only about 1 1/4 inches long

Sunday we got up early to drive in to Nashville to go to Sunday School and church, but as we tried to leave at 7:15, Thor wouldn’t start! It was a chilly 34F – Jim was able to jump the car off Acey’s battery and we arrived at Stephens Valley on time! Our class is studying Genesis and we are now looking at the life of Joseph. He was sold into slavery by his brothers, and now is being made second in charge under Pharoh. God does not call the qualified – he qualifies the called. Gen 39-41 shows how God was with Joseph thru all those years. Pastor Heath finished up the series of sermons on Romans 8 emphasizing that NOTHING is able to separate us from the love of Christ. (You can see the service here)

After church, we had lunch with Chris and Eve. We stopped to get a battery for Thor – a 2017 Jeep Patriot – we still had the original battery! We Zoomed with the family in the evening.

We leave Monday to head to Goodlettsville for 2 weeks.

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8 thoughts on “Return to Diamond Caverns – Park City, KY”

  1. Your in-depth reportng on historical sites, especially those we may be familiar with, is a nice refresher with added depth. The longer our journey the more we appreciate the generations past and present ๐Ÿ™‚ – LN

  2. That Mammoth Cave is well names. And to think we owe it all to the Green River. Sounds like Jim’s hand surgery was a success. Good!

  3. Beautiful scenery and area. I will enjoy reading about your journey and most of all seeing your pictures. Great job.

    It was so good to see you at church. Lou and I are enjoying being there and seeing so many friends from the past.

  4. First visit to THE BLOG! Aceys Adventures… Mammoth Cave was an awesome adventure when I was there with y’all. Seems like I frequent the Everglades here in South Florida about as much as y’all go to the Mammoth Cave area. Real glad you found the Orthopedic & Sports Medicine doctors LJ and that Jim has enjoyed painless rejuvenation of his hand through them. See all y’all for the big 65 birthday party at Yazoo next week.

    1. So glad to see you visited the blog finally bro! We are so thankful for a good result on Jimโ€™s hand ๐Ÿ˜Š and we look forward to seeing you and Marlin soon๐Ÿ’•

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