We left Garrett, IN at 8:30am on October 11. Acey has 77,855.2 miles and Thor has 93,179 and we still have 1,451 miles on our bicycles – no opportunity to ride at the last 2 stops! We stopped at Speedco in Indianapolis to have the oil changed – which was a 4-hour stop… we made lunch and they finally took us in for service – which only took about 30 minutes – we arrived at Yazoo at about 7:15pm – we really do not like to drive in the dark, but that’s the only choice at times! We have only boondocked one night so far – and that was the first night on the road – when we were bringing Acey home just after we purchased her in April of 2019. We had made campground reservations for this week, but on Thursday last week, we were to pay for Monday -Thursday night or cancel – and it was not a sure thing that the work would be complete on Acey. So, Linus at Yazoo was kind enough to allow us to park here for a few days.

We parked out back, hardly noticable for those parking out front!

On Tuesday, Jim had a doctor appointment to see what needs to be done about his carpal tunnnel. Both wrists are affected, but his left wrist is really bad. The doctor said he has a pretty advanced case, so we scheduled surgery in November to get his left wrist worked on – the right one can wait till next year. We drove out to Dickson to pick up our mail. We stopped by storage to pick up a couple of things and also picked up a set of front struts for Thor and came back to the brewery. (We had noticed a terribly loud noise when driving Thor last week, and Jim noticed the struts didn’t look right.) Jim changed out the struts; he had changed them last December with struts he got on Amazon and they were worn out already. Look at the difference between the Amazon struts and the Monroe struts he installled!

Later, we visited the brewery for a few drafts. Jim and Chris have helped with technology at the brewery over the years, so we are frequent visitors! See more about Yazoo here!
Christopher came to join us for dinner and brought us some more mail and an Amazon order we shipped to him. Wednesday we visited Linda’s sister Eve and Linda used her sewing machine to fix a zipper in her jacket.Thor sounded better but still had a bad noise. We had dinner out with our financial planner. Thursday Jim took Thor to a mechanic that Linus had suggested that was close to the brewery. They found a rear bearing was bad – we got that changed and Thor is much quieter now! Christopher came up to see us again and stayed for dinner. He just got a promotion at work! He really likes his job and that was a nice bonus! We are heading out in the morning – back to Indiana for a spell.
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Please be sure to comment – at least every now and then – to let us know you are reading the blog and keeping up with our adventures. Thanks for stopping by!
You are putting on the miles. Seeing your accommodations du jour, I took a photo tour of Yazoo’s new brewery. Quite a photo album on Google Maps. I see where they are now in Madison, near one of the meanders of the Cumberland River. Safe travels!
Gas prices have more than doubled since we left Nashville last year 1.47/gallon when we left Nashville last year and it’s over 3.00 now – thanks Mr Biden. We were energy independent until he shut it all down…
Congrats to Christopher on his job promotion. That’s great! Enjoy the fall colors 🤠